Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hobby Lobby makes me smile.

I was thinking about something today while I was sweeping the floor at Hobby Lobby tonight. There are certain things here that make me smile and laugh. Now these may not be appealing to anyone else but me, but I feel I must share these things.

Functional Wood
Every time I hear this simple, two word phrase, I laugh. I mean c'mon. Functional Wood. It's funny.

The Seasons of Seasonal
Today is June 21st. The first official day of summer. And tonight at work we cleared isles of out "Summer" products to make room for our "Fall" and "Christmas" products. I just find this a strange set up. But it all makes sense once it was fully explained to me. See, most craft shows take place in August/September. So We start displaying Christmas products now so those who create Christmas crafts for these shows will bring their business to Hobby Lobby.

The Business of Overstock
Overstock is a part of retail business. I just love how we handle it. Some places will have a special overstock sale of those particular items. How do we deal with it? Pack it up and ship it off to other stores. This makes for long, tedious days, but it makes the time fly. It seems like this is the philosophy: If we have to much, give it to some other store to deal with.

Ugly Ass Shit
This is a simple fact: Hobby Lobby sells some ugly shit. The largest department in the store is the Home Accents. This contains pretty much anything you would use to decorate your house. Yet rich old ladies continue to buy it.

Truck Days
We get our trucks on Thursdays. But unlike most retail stores, our merchandise is not packed and wrapped nicely on pallets. Oh no. Ours is just packed in the truck in either totes, "repacks", or their original boxes. And they are just packed in there like a nightmare game of Tetris. It is a nightmare because the warehouse packers don't put heavy shit on the bottom, and light shit on top. On No. Glass is usually on the bottom. Why? Cause they can.

We use pegs and shelves for our products. We have the following size pegs: 2", 4", 6", 8", 8" HD, 11" HD, 6" Coated, and 8" Coated pegs. So it gets a little frustrating when doing a re/set in a way that you may have to change from 6" to 4" pegs. And when you are going from 11" Heavy Duty pegs to 4" pegs, it gets a little frustrating trying to condense the product into a smaller space.

Tomorrow is the day! I am buying the socket head screws for the side panel in my desktop. I am also buying the acrylic panel and the longer screws that I am using for the fans. I should have the front panel cut out tomorrow. The dremel should last longer when cutting plastic than steel. I am figuring out the designs and panels that are being cut out and customized. I may buy some cheap case accessories to use while at Micro Center. As for the paint, I'm going white on the exterior and green on the interior. But I'm looking for a bright green, maybe not quite a lime green, but in that area. I am thinking about a name for the project, I will reveal that in time.

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