Friday, June 17, 2011

Confessions of the Day.

I preface this post by the fact that this is directed towards no one in specific. It is something that I have been thinking about for a while, and I feel that it is time to make my displeasure with this subject known. This is the basic topic of the post: I hate douchebags/bitches. I would like to take the time to clarify what I mean. A douchebag can encompass many meanings, and many different types of the male species. I am specifically talking about the douchebags that lie and take advantage of a girl and her emotions. Yes, I know, everyone lies. It is a part of life. Some might even say that lying is part of any healthy relationship. Personally, I don't feel the need to lie to a female. I have nothing to hide. This is not to say that I haven't lied to a female before, believe me, I have. But lying to a female by telling her that you [douchebag] is no longer with his ex or whatever so you can sleep with said female is just wrong. Why do you feel the need to lie to a female? I also don't understand the nonchalant attitude that some guys take with cheating. Why cheat? Because the girl you are with isn't a slut and won't sleep with you a week into the relationship? If you are upset by this, then why continue to hurt the girl? Why toy with her emotions? If you don't like the fact that she has some respect for herself and her body, then don't stay with her. Let her find the guy that will treat her how she deserves to be treated. There are guys out there in the world that have enough trouble "getting the girl" without you fucking with her emotions to the point that she doesn't trust any other guy. Now this doesn't mean that girls are completely innocent in this scenario. There are girls who take advantage of those few good guys that are left out there in the wild. What pisses me off the most is the fact that they sit there and complain about they "wish they could find a good guy who treats them well". What. The. Fuck. You have a guy who does that but you fail to see that and think that you can do better. And in some rare cases, you can. But most of the time, you never will. And it fucks with the guy's psyche. Now he thinks that the only way he can get girls is to act like the aforementioned douchebags. This is a shitty cycle that unfortunately create more douchebags and in turn lessens the number of the good guys there are. Is it fucked up. On a related topic, girls: If you know a guy likes you, and you are not interested in him, please, PLEASE just let him know. From a personal standpoint, I can take a "No" or an "I'm not interested in you" a lot better than being led on. This is not to say that it rings true with all guys. But each and every time a guy or girl is stood up, it hurts even more. And it leaves them wondering "Is there something wrong with me?". Some find redemption and learn to trust again. But there are others who keep getting stood up, and lose every bit of self confidence and self esteem. To top it all off, they get this advice from others "Be confident. Guys/Girls find it sexy." But how can they be confident in themselves if all they know in their recent history, which is rejection and humiliation? It wouldn't be as bad if the douchebags/bitches were up front with the guy/girl in the first place. This is would help regain trust in the opposite sex. Which is key when living in a society where there is a heavy emphasis placed on being in a couple. Knowing the truth up front would let the person move on and not waste their time trying to impress the person.

Here is another point I want to make today: If the guy/girl you are dating is nervous and not quite sure what to do, don't make fun of them. Gently push them in the correct direction. Don't call them out on it, because it will embarrass them. Drop hints. But don't be vague. Be a little obvious. This will help the person learn, and it will make everyone happier. Now I'm not claiming to be any sort of expert on relationships. I'm just making known what I have learned and experienced in my personal dating life.

And for my final thought of the moment: Sunflower seeds while driving make the drive so much better. You get a constant snack so you don't get hungry, and it also helps quench your thirst.

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