Thursday, June 30, 2011

Evolution and the Copy-Cat Game.

Yesterday, after watching the 2011 WWDC Keynote Address, Youtube suggestion a video where at an Apple event, they showed how Microsoft (Or "Redmond", as they called them) copied their iCal in Windows Calender, among other applications. I don't feel like Microsoft borrowed the color scheme in iCal because they think that it is a better application. I see it this way: If someone is going to migrate over between the two platforms, wouldn't it be helpful for them if the color scheme in the calender application is the same, or similar? I feel that it is a better business practice. And don't think that it is just Microsoft borrowing from Apple. With the latest iOS 5 coming down the pipeline soon, it is obvious that Apple borrowed from not only Android, but Blackberry. The Notifications are handled in the same manner as Android, but they tweaked it and updated it a little. I like the updated version, but it was still borrowed from Android and everyone there thought it was the greatest thing ever. PC Free? I have the option of not using a PC with my Devour, and I rarely connect it to a computer unless I'm using my laptop to charge it while at home. iMessage? Blackberry Messenger. So why is it that consumers think that it is always Apple thought of it and that it is nothing until Apple uses it? I just keep thinking of a South Park episode where Butters becomes evil and his lackey keeps saying "Simpson's did it! Simpson's did it!" after every idea for doom and destruction. There are very few new ideas coming out with every update of technology. Maybe a new port [a la Thunderbolt] or two, and maybe a few new software features. So it is difficult to truly be innovative with a product refresh. And I know that every Apple fanboy will cum his pants when the Mac Mini and Macbook Air finally get modern CPUs.

I like Microsoft. I feel they are a better company than Apple. Why? They can [and will] admit when they fucked up and fix it. Vista? They admit it, they fucked that one up pretty bad and worked to fix it. Now, Vista is a pretty damn legit OS. I like their patches and Updates program. Second Tuesday of every month, as known as Patch Tuesday, I can count on running Windows Update for my computers so they can get the latest updates be more secure. I also like how they offer their own free anti virus. They make it simple and easy for someone who buys a computer get up and running and secure. If Apple recommends that the user runs an anti virus, why don't they provide a free OS X compatible anti virus? There are OS X AVs out there, but there are fewer choices. Another example: the faulty iPhone antennae. When it was discovered that holding the phone like a normal person would kill your signal, Apple goes: You're holding the phone wrong. Then they said that it was a software issue that was telling you that you have more signal than you really have. Just say it: We Fucked Up. It is simple. I love your products Apple. But you gives me reason after reason to hate you. You come off at elitist and that you're better than everyone else.

I feel that Microsoft is evolving. They are learning and working to give us a better product. I feel that they have come a long way in the past decade. They are migrating more towards the 64-Bit OS. They provide better driver support in the OS than Apple. They are not forcing their free software products down your throat. Internet Explorer is finally usable again. They do need some work in places though. The next version of Windows needs to stripped down and rebuilt from the code base up. Windows 7 is pretty damn good, but still includes some old legacy code. The Windows folder on my hard drive is right around 20GB, which is the space required for a fresh install. Now I know that 20GB is nothing with the availability of 3TB hard drives, but for laptops with limited space, we need all the space we need. Especially if using an SSD. From the looks of things, the code base for the next Windows will be a lot smaller and more refined because they are aiming for use with Tablets, and making it run on ARM processors. I had to do a fresh install of Windows on my desktop. After installing it, it found my Ethernet, Audio, AMD Radeon HD 5770 GPU, and my Keyboard drivers. It installed them, and everything works like a dream again. I know what you're thinking: Keyboard drivers? Yes, I have a Microsoft Sidewinder X4 Gaming keyboard. And I love it, by the way. Built in Drivers make the entire install process a lot less stressful. Another example of Microsoft's evolution is Windows Live. I am liking these services and getting to using them more and more. What I like about them: they no longer come with Windows. You can choose to download them if you wish. I have to set up remote streaming with my home computer. Which I am using right now. I don't use my Hotmail account for mail. I have my Gmail account for that. But having one is helping me listen to my music from my desktop, all with software that either comes with Windows or is easily installed. I feel that it is valuable.

I wanna talk about the GUI. OS X does have a beautiful interface. But there are some fundamental issues I would like to discuss. The little green "Maximize" button. I feel that if a button is called "Maximize" it should maximize the window; like in Windows. Another thing that bugs me: Alt+Tab. In Windows, this switches between your open windows, and also gives you a desktop option. OS X handles this function in a strange way. It doesn't really switch to the application or bring up the windows. Just...I don't know. So I avoid using it in OS X. One thing I love about OS X is its built in virtual desktops. I wish Windows would come with this standard. [To be fair to everyone, Ubuntu and other Linux distros I have tried all have this feature] It makes it easier to manage all your open windows. I can have Photoshop in "full screen" on one desktop, iTunes on another, iChat and Firefox open in another. You can add this functionality to Windows, but Microsoft: add this to Windows. Por Favor. Dashboard, you are useless to me. You just hog Memory and take it away from Photoshop.

I feel that Microsoft and Apple are heading into two different directions. Apple is trying to take over your digital life. They are providing products to cover everything you do on a daily basis. Microsoft is trying to take Windows into a new era. I lightweight Windows? Yes, please. I think that once Microsoft releases a lightweight Windows, it will turn Apple people. The interface will the be same, which will help make everything simple for people to use. A more robust Windows will be needed for the "enthusiast" users who build their own computers and make gaming monsters. Windows is a universal platform, and if it continues on its current project path, it will become even more universal.

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