Thursday, July 21, 2011

My SSD is faster than your HDD

I would like to start off by apologizing for the absence. I have been busy with work and other things that seem to be occupying my life lately. This morning I had a bad morning...I had a complete hard drive failure of my trusty Samsung 500GB Windows drive. So I ponied up and replaced it with a 240GB OCZ Vertex 2 SSD. And I just have to say... Holy Shit. This is stupid fast. I cried during the first boot. It boots on average in 15 seconds. Yeah. I know you are jealous. I decided the lesser amount of space is worth the stupid fast performance. Yes, I just used Stupid Fast for a second, and more recently, a third time. On a related technology note, I was invited to Google+ by Kristen Magers, a long time friend of mine. I also was given the opportunity to get Spotify. And this is a great product and service. I think it will be wortth the premium price if they decide to limit the amount of music you can listen to in a month. Included in the premium is offline access, and access on my cell phone. Which isn't a big deal for me because my battery barely lasts through a day on standby. But anyway. Also, there has a been a big cry out against Netflix due to their raising prices starting September. I don't see why this is such a big deal. Netflix is a business who is looking to evolve their content delivery methods. They want to move to an entirly streaming service, which they cannot do unless they pony up to pay the money to get the content. I would be fine with a streaming only plan, except for the fact that a lot of the shows I like are only on DVD currently. Which needs to change for me to get a streaming only plan.

I am taking the advice of MaximumPC [once again] and using a new program to rip my audio tracks...again. I'm using Exact Audio Copy which matches the data to make sure that you get every bit of audio data that you are entitled to. The options a little confusing at first, but I worked through it and hopefully I get better quality audio. But the current issue that I am running into is that it is not ripping so that the Zune software will see it. {UPDATE} I just figured that part out. I was sending the audio tracks to the wrong location. My Bad. But I figured it all out and hopefully I can snyc it to my Zune this weekend and everything will be all good.

I started using Google+. And I must say, this is what I have been expecting from social networking. It forces you to sort and manage your friends, family, followers, and such. It is a clean interface, and it lets you choose who you share your shit with everytime you update your status, etc. I like it. And I also like how it is integrated with Google. Say what you want. But Google knows how to integrate new products with their existing products, which makes it easier to connect with everything. I will be using it more and getting deeper into the features and will give some feedback.

I am taking this chance of a clean Windows install to take a different route when it comes to software. I am trying a new approach to certain programs that I used to not be able to live without. I am trying the SMPlayer instead of my trusty KMPlayer. I am still going to install the KMPlayer as a backup, in case I dislike SMPlayer. It isn't too bad...but not what I am used to. I am thinking of reverting back to The KMPlayer just due to its familiarity and I like the interface and full keyboard control is a great touch, as you know how much I like my keyboard short cuts. I love them. It pains me that I can't use them all when I am at work while working on the depressing Pentium III machines running Windows 2000 Professional. Yeah. Pre Windows XP. Pre Windows ME. It is that old. I am glad that they didn't make the tragic mistake of upgrading the OS with such old and dated and underpowered hardware. This would have made the computers too slow to even use, even for the Access Databases for location look up. I was told by Morgan that we are getting new computers at work within the next week, or at least sometime new. And while I am typing this, I am realizing that I have not looked at the keyboard during this entire paragraph. I have made many typos, but I am good at correcting my spelling and grammer mistakes. It just reminds me how much I love this keyboard. I think I will take the time to set up at least one bank of Macros to streamline my computing experience.

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