Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Facts of Mike.

Alright. I’m going to get right into this. Let’s do it.

1. This is the first post I’m writing out using Microsoft Word.

2. I usually write my posts in Sublime Text before posting them.

3. I am slightly addicted to Grape Kool-Aide and Grape Gatoraide.

4. I like all six Star Wars movies.

5. Popular to contrary belief, I am not AntiMac.

6. I know that the PC is the best gaming platform.

7. I can’t help but think about the layout of my dream home.

8. I want a new Android phone that gets updates.

9. I haven’t had the battery in my laptop for about two weeks.

10. I use 4 pillows at night when I sleep: Two for my head, one for my knees, and one to cuddle with.

11. I feel that Google is becoming a more integral part of my digital life.

12. Despite my best efforts, I do not have the digital media collection I desire.

13. My room is a mess because of all the computer parts that litter my room.

14. I will be turning my night table into a charging station.

15. I have dumped Digsby in favor of Trillian.

16. I watch wrestling shows every week.

17. I am moving to a brand loyalty to Thermaltake.

18. I use my phone as my alarm clock, despite my alarm clock being louder and next to my bed again.

19. I am writing this naked.

20. I am addicted to Caramel Coolers from Caribou.

21. I think more than I do.

22. I don’t understand people who get engaged and married to someone in a short period of time.

23. I would like to make more friends outside of work.

24. Hayley helped me in ways that she does not know.

25. I don’t know what to wear on a daily basis.

26. I have never had a girl tell me what looks good on me and what doesn’t.

27. I have been watching Star Trek: The Original Series and I love it.

28. There is only one person who talks to me on a daily basis that I do not live with.

29. I watch porn on a daily basis.

30. I want to buy a tablet to use as a remote for my HTPC.

31. I have a milk crate in my room.

32. I have tried and failed with online dating.

33. I love Windows 7.

34. I loved Windows Vista.

35. I will never return to Windows XP.

36. My computer, Mouse and Keyboard are all black with red lighting.

37. I feel like I’m needed with I drive my sister to work.

38. Despite wanting a girlfriend, I don’t feel like I am currently ready.

39. No matter what people think, I am always happy when my friends find someone who cares for them.

40. I can handle rejection better than most people.

41. My eyes adjust to darkness faster and better than most people I know.

42. I often wonder if I made the right choices in my past.

43. If I could, I would go back and redo high school.

44. I want to go back to school.

45. I have a hard time sleeping anywhere but my own bed.

46. I prefer to sleep in the cold.

47. One of my favorite games for my Wii is Harvest Moon.

48. I have had sex with two people.

49. I have kissed more boys than some of my female friends.

50. I always have reminders of my baby girl with me at all times.

51. I am willingly to accept the faults of people.

52. I often keep my opinions to myself about friends’ boyfriend of girlfriend.

53. I will tell a friend that I think a girl is cute; but I won’t act on it.

54. I have been less angry since I started this blog.

55. I have considered becoming a teacher.

56. If I am uneducated in a certain area, I will attempt to learn it.

57. I am interested in video work.

58. I am a little sad that smartphone cameras have a higher MP count than my Digital Rebel.

59. I feel sad for the rabid fanboys in our world.

60. I get frustrated when working on someone else’s computer when they don’t have it set up like mine.

61. When I stand up, my knees, hips, and ankles all crack and pop.

62. I have a weakness for girls with piercings and tattoos.

63. When I have the money, I will be getting a tattoo.

64. I miss having my lip ring.

65. I often wonder if people talk to me because they feel bad if they don’t.

66. I usually lay in bed for hours before I actually fall asleep.

67. There are qualities from each of my ex girlfriend that I miss.

68. I avoid the sun simply because I don’t want to deal with the sunburn.

69. I laughed when I saw what number this one is.

70. I prefer the 24 hour clock over the 12 hour clock.

71. I know that people lie when they say that they don’t masturbate.

72. I am trying to post in this blog every day.

73. I hang out at Caribou in hopes of seeing Katlin.

74. I write most of my posts while at Caribou.

75. I don’t dismiss the theory of a higher being; I dismiss organized religion.

76. Cake Batter ice cream from Cold Stone is amazing.

77. I feel that some places hire young attractive girls so men will come to their place of business.

78. Sex does sell.

79. Widget has become my little buddy over the past couple weeks.

80. I hope I can be there for when Jayme and Kate get married.

81. I like short girls.

82. I would rather be informed and dislike something rather than being hating something for no reason.

83. I read. A lot. More than most people would think that I do.

84. I am very self-conscious.

85. I do not tell people when it is my birthday.

86. I enjoy unloading the merchandise truck at work.

87. I will never give up my Netflix.

88. I have some tv shows that I desperately need to catch up on.

89. I want to build a home server.

90. When I buy a house, I will rip out all the drywall and rewire the house.

91. My feet have become soft since I stopped running barefoot.

92. I am good at beer pong.

93. When I’m angry or depressed, I sleep.

94. I can live on only a few hours of sleep a night.

95. I can’t sleep without some noise in the room.

96. I wish I was a better nerd.

97. Despite my hatred of iTunes, I use it daily.

98. I have a Zune HD and I love it.

99. I wish I had a friend to drive with me to Iowa for Jayme and Kate’s wedding.

100. There are 1,172 words in this list.

So there is my list. I would appreciate some feedback. I am also starting a new page on this blog that features screenshots from funny text messages on my phone. Check it out, and let me know what you think. I’m going to write a post that details how I use technology on a daily basis.

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