Monday, July 25, 2011

How-To: Blog.

I have a day off. It feels great knowing that I don't have any other obligations today except the usual, which is taking Jayme to work. It didn't help that I dodn't sleep worth shit last night, and I apparently I had a conversation that I don't really remember. But apparently it was a good one...And I woke up to find all my text messages deleted from my phone. So there is some voodoo magic at work here in our house. Either that or I am pretty damn coordinated while asleep. Either way.

One of my friends recently was dumped by her boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend). It had been a while since we had really talked, and it is nice getting the chance to have conversations like our old ones. It is difficult because I am trying to help her get over the bastard, but at the same trying not to make it seem like I am just hitting on her cause I know that she is single. I am trying to find a middle ground, and it is diffcult. I will admit it, I asked her out on a date. But I was doing in this manner: I don't mean for it to be a romantic date. I meant it more as a friend date, and a way for her to be able to say "Yes, I went out on a date with someone other than bastard". But maybe I am going about it the wrong way. Or maybe I'm just fucking insane. Who knows. I am what I am. I have issues, yes. I don't care if you know it or not, and the 3 people who might read this already know of those issues. I am not backing down from that.

I still don't understand females. I was having this discussion with a friend, and she said that she didn't know what to wear out to a bar because she didn't know if there would be hot guys there. I just had this reaction: What the fuck? Who cares what you wear. Why is there so much emphasis on what girls wear? And why do they always have to go out and spend sooo much money on clothes to look "hot"? I don't know if this holds true to other guys, but I have this straight attitude about it: just be comfortable. I was hanging out with a friend, and she asked me what she should wear. I told her to be comfortable, and then she replied "I think I'm going to dress up for you". Why? I don't want you to. I told her that. There is not reason to spend so much time and effort to try and look "hot". If I like you, then I don't give a fuck what you wear. I'm not going to lie; there are some styles that I like a lot more than others. But I will NEVER tell a girl how to dress. I don't see the point of being with a girl if you want to try to change her. Maybe I'm strange or whatever, but it is how I am.

I had something bad happen to my beloved desktop. My hard drive containing my windows install died on me. I took this as a sign that it was time to upgrade my baby. I decided on an SSD, which is a hard drive that is made up of flash memory modules, much like the storage of an iPod, iPad, iPhone, ZuneHD, flash drives, and Android phones. It offers a shit load of performance over the traditional 7,200 RPM hard drives. I love it. In other technology news, my phone is being fucking stupid again. I used to enjoy being able to see everyone's pretty face with their contact name due to it using their facebook photos for their contact photos. But sometime it decided to stop doing so. So I'm not so sure how I am going to remedy this, or if I ever want to try to spend all the time to try to fix it. It is whatever. I would like to fix it, if it will be easy because I like my phone actually doing what it is billed to do. But maybe I am just wanting too much from the piece of technology. I will try to fix it later and see what happens.

Expect an update later on tonight. I'm thinking of doing a small screenshot tour of my desktop and how I use it daily. I'm also thinking of doing some How-To's, but that all depends on if my readers would like me to try that. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think and if you want me to, what would you like me to cover? If I know how to do what you request, I will post. If not, then expect some reseach so then I can pass on the info to you.


  1. BTW I wanted to look nice for you because you don't expect it :) It makes it more worth it if it isn't a requirement. And about the how-to's, sounds good but I don't know what I would like to know yet. I'll let you know :) Luv ya lots

  2. I'm thinking of starting out with something basic, but still not sure yet. Maybe media organization?

  3. sounds good to me, I could always use that info. specially since I come to you to do that sort of thing and really haven't learned how to do it myself

  4. YAY how to's! I fail at all things technology and I LOVE your profile pic on here!

    Also, I will make you a tube top
