Thursday, April 26, 2012

Review time with a side of new-ness.

So this is my *official* review of Internet Explorer 9. And I must admit it, I love it. It still have my love affair with Google Chrome; and it is still my default. However, I can say that I am comfortable with IE9 and will be using it more in the future. There are a few things that I am missing from Chrome; those mostly being my add ons and such. But for core functionality, it passes with flying colors. The simple interface gives me a lot of screen room. The new download manager is simple and unobtrusive. The Favorites was a nightmare to work with though. IE9 comes with a few folders worth of favorites by default. Importing from Chrome yielded less than spectacular results. But the favorites bar is NOT visible by default, which is a set up from the previous versions. Mind you, I avoided previous versions of IE because they sucked. But this a big leap forward, and Microsoft did a wonderful job. There are little touches that make it beautiful. The upper left corner contains the Back and Forward buttons. These can change to the theme of site you are on, but only after you pin them to your taskbar. This is a new take on the Favorites and quick launch. This makes it great for accessing your favorite sites like Hulu and Netflix. This works well with a HTPC set up or for setting up your parent’s or less tech savvy friends’ computers.

Pros: Fast, minimalistic, and fundamentally sound.

Cons: Lack of Add Ons, Separate x64 and x86 versions.

Bottom Line: A great update to the default browser of the juggernaut Windows.


Now on the new-ness. I am using Windows Live Writer to write this. It is one of the Windows Live programs. It logs into your blog so you can update without using the Browser interface. This is good due to the fact that Chrome doesn’t play nice with the Blogger Dashboard’s new interface. It also loads your blog’s background so you feel like you are on your blog, posting. Sweet. It has more editing tools than the Dashboard; and it lets you save your posts before you post. Nice. Next Up: Google SketchUp work for the night. Peace.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Almost There...

Getting there. Need the heat gun and new connectors.

Half the PSU shell painted white and the individually sleeved cables in white.

UV Green connectors and UV Green heat shrink over white sleeving.

Close up of White sleeving.
I am getting there. This computer is going be BA. That is short for Bad Ass. I am working hard on the cables to make it all nice and pretty. The colors on the sleeving match the colors that are planned for the case. The PSU is painted where I can paint it without removing the interior components. I am currently sanding down the fiberglass on the case so I can prep it for paint. Hopefully I can paint soon. I am getting the paint this weekend so I will be prepared when I am ready. I am going to prime it, wet sand, color, wet sand, color, wet sand, clear coat, wet sand, polish. Hopefully this will give the outside a nice shiney mirror coat. If not, it will look damn good. So that is where I am at with the computer. Hopefully nothing blows up when we fire it up.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Haute Couture.

Fashion. Couture. Clothing. No matter what you call it, we are obsessed with it. Don’t be shaking your head and saying “No, that is not me!” Think about it. We like to go clothes shopping. We watch what celebrities wear. We are sent magazines that show us what is fashionable and “How to dress like celebrities” and “Get Blah Blah’s look for less!” But no matter how fashionable a certain look is, there are limitations on who should wear it. Example: At work today, there was a woman wearing white. A white pant suit type thing. I have no issue with white clothing; in fact I like white clothing. But you do NOT wear see through white pants with a black thong if you are over the age of, say 24. But let’s be honest. Don’t wear a black thong under white linen pants. I loathe woman’s fashion. It is an ever changing and evolving organism. I don’t hate the styles or anything like that. I hate how if one single celebrity wears something once, every single “fashionable” or “fashion-forward” woman thinks they can wear the same thing. I hate how women wear certain styles in situations that they weren’t made for. I understand women who work out or run that wear running tights and tight tops while they are working out. But then I see girls who go out in public wearing only leggings or tights for pants and a shirt. And they wonder why people stare at them. I don’t like how girls wear skimpy or, as I call it, stripper fashion out in public and then get angry when guys stare at them or hit on them. But on the other side of the coin, if guys don’t hit on them or stare at them, they get mad and think they’re ugly. Every girl is pretty in their own way. Here is a hint girls: Guys may chase slutty girls to hook up; but they want to take a classy girl home to their mother. Every man who grew up close with their mother seeks their approval of the girl they want to spend their life with. Personally, I want a girl with confidence who doesn’t care what others think about her. And I have found her. Sometimes she wavers in that confidence, but I try to instill it back in her whenever I can. She tells me that she isn’t, but she is. I know that she is. Otherwise she wouldn’t be the person who she is. She wouldn’t carry herself the way she does. This is why I love her.

Back to my original purpose of this post: Girls, be classy and that perfect guy you are waiting for will find you. Or you can be slutty and keep being used as a night time play thing for douchebags. By the way, douchebags exist because you let them.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Explorer of Teh Internetz #9

Today I recieved a nice little package in the mail. It contained my cable sleeving and heatshrink tubing and my connectors and my tool!
75 Feet of White 1/8" cable sleeving.
5 Feet of UV Green 1/8" heatshrink tubing.

24 pin ATX connector and two 4 pin CPU connectors in UV Green.

Tool to remove ATX pins.

Closer look at the removal prongs.
All this came in the mail today which made me very happy. I am waiting for this weekend to sleeve the power supply cables because I remembered that daddy has a heat gun! This is needed to shrink the tubing so it holds the sleeves in place over the wire. This is going to look sick. I can't wait. By the way, these photos were taken with my Samsung Galaxy tablet. Pretty nice, huh? I love it. I just wanted to share this little slice of happiness with my people :)

Also, I am trying an experiment. I am going to get it all set up, but I am going to try a week with Internet Explorer 9. I love Chrome; but IE9 is pretty nice also. I just need to get all my bookmarks sorted out before I start or I will go crazy. Oddly enough, Blogger doesn't play nice with Chrome too often so I end up using IE9 for posting. Hmmmm...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Source: Suicide Girls Facebook Page
Hawt. That is all.

I'm Awesome!

Who has two thumbs and the best Art Department in the District? This Guy! That’s right. Not ONLY did I start full time yesterday, but then I discovered the news presented in the previous statement. This made my day sooo much better. What was even better about it is that I was informed in front of someone who has been trying to hold me back into a part time mindless drone position. This will help catapult me into my new department, which is the almighty Crafts department. This has been a great week for me.

In other news, I am expecting the package which will give me the kick in the ass needed to work on this computer. I ordered the 75 feet of 1/8” white cable sleeving; along with 5 feet of 1/8” UV green heat shrink tubing; and a few UV green connectors to finish off the look. This is phase one because the power supply will be finished off and ready to go! Then I will just need to work on the next part, which will include finishing the exterior of the case. I will need a little more coarse grit sandpaper to smooth out all the rough patches with the fiberglass. This will make the case ready for primer. Once the primer is ready to be painted, I will be disassembling the case and getting the individual parts hung and ready to be sprayed. I’m using a different tactic this time with spraying. I’m getting some wire and hanging the parts in the garage and spraying that way. I want to do this because I always have issues with the parts sticking to the crate. So I’m trying to minimize this and it will allow me to spray the entire part at once… no waiting to dry the flipping. I am going to color or wet sand this time around. I did with the power supply case and it looks amazing. Once the case is put back together, I will be spraying the clear coat then. This will allow me to let it set for about a week until I get it ready to assemble the interior. This will allow me to get a good coat on it and still allow me to assemble the case with the parts being able to fit together. Goodness.

In other other news, I’m awesome. That is all.