Tuesday, October 18, 2011

All Smiles and Sunshine, A Perfect World On A Perfect Day

I would like to apologize for the delay of a new posting. I had been meaning to update, but have been lazy/busy. So here is the rundown of what I want to cover: The Giver, The Great Indoors, Rainmeter, Moving Forward.

The Giver:
I finished the book and I loved it. The ending is what you expect and want to happen when you are reading upto the final pages. I don't want to give away the ending, as I would recommend that you read the book. But it teaches us to not settle for the status quo. We need to challenge what we are, which is the truth, indoctrinated to think/know/believe/act. I have discussed before the need to destroy the traditional gender roles and blur the line between male and female. We need to challenge ourselves to be a better person and give other people a better life. Jonas chose to take matter into his own hands. He turned his back to this "perfect" community and left. He gained knowledge of a matter that he had always thought was a simple and sometimes joyous occasion. He finally knew the truth and decided that it wasn't something he wanted to ever be apart of again. He helped prevent the same fate from happening to an innocent boy. We all could learn many lessons from this novel and I want everyone to read it. And it is only 179 pages long. Can be read in like 4 hours.

The Great Indoors:
I am resigning from the Great Indoors. I was offered a better work situation that I must take. It will be better for me in the long run, and I am looking forward to the change.

I redesigned the rainmeter skin on my desktop. I am working on changing the wallpaper to help tie everything in together as I want it to. It will be using my current wallpaper, but edited to create something a little less distracting, and easier to read some of the text elements. I will upload a new screenshot when it is finished.

Moving Forward:
Now where do I go from here? I am just moving forward with my head held high. I purchased some new items for my bathroom. I bought a brushed nickel finish towel rod, a glass shelf with a brushed nickel finish brackets, black fabric shower curtain, a white fabric shower curtain liner, two spa rug towels [one black, one grey], and two spa hand towels [one black, one grey], and new shower curtain hangers. I will be purchasing the following in the future: a dresser from IKEA, a wall shelf from IKEA, a shower curtain rod, and frames to help complete the decoration of my room and bathroom. I am hoping that by purchasing a dresser, I will be able to get most, if not all, the clothes out of my closet and use those shelves as a storage space. This will help clear up and help keep my room clean in the long run. I will be bringing my Beatles framed poster, and reframing the one larger poster frame contents. I have a vinyl record, and some smaller graphic design pieces that Jayme made for me. I will be looking at a few varieties of frames with mutli opening mats. I will try to keep the same frame theme throughout the rest to keep everything matching. I will also be using some drywall filler to fill in the smaller holes from pre-exisiting wall shelves and magazine rack. I am hoping that this all works out and makes it a little better place for me in the long run.

I think I have covered everything I wanted to cover in this update. I will be uploading hoepfully more often in the near future as things settle down a little.

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