Monday, December 26, 2011

Don't mind me, the tequila is doing the talking...

Merry Christmas Everyone!
I have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. I have family and friends who love me.  I have a job which I love. I am healthy and currently well rested. The gift exchange for the family will begin once mother and father return from Christmas Mass.
Now onward and upward. I am looking forward to the New Year. This past year has been a little rough at times. But it has only made me a better person. Earlier this year, I made my New Year’s Resolution. My resolution was to gauge my ears to a size 0. Check. That was my only one because I wanted to set something that I would actually be able to accomplish. I am pondering about my upcoming resolution. I want something else like my last one; simple, yet something that is changing me. I will post it when it is the year 2012.
In other news, I have lost a lot of weight this year. This morning when I weighed myself, I weighed in at 281. This means I have lost over 40 pounds this year. I have no exercise program. I have no diet. I just work. Because of this, I am able to fit into clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in years. This makes me happy in ways that I cannot explain.
I need to have a long weekend and come over to my parent’s house and take the time to clean up all my stuff that still occupies the basement. I know that my dad was joking, but it still struck a nerve when he was talking about my stuff still occupying the basement. So I have a few ideas on how to clear all this out. First off, I want to buy a Kindle Fire. It might be a late Christmas present to myself. I then want sort through all the books I have and see if I can find them on If so, I want to buy the digital versions if possible. Now there are some books that I have that I know are not on the marketplace. These will be kept on a shelf; a shelf I want to buy from IKEA and place it up higher on the wall so they will not be in the way if there are more room renovations. The other books will be donated or sold or whatever is needed to rid myself of them. I have a large amount of random electronics that I would like to sort through and depart with some of them are the superfluous and just wasting space. I just am not sure what to do with my old bed frame. I mean it can be kept here for when we come and stay for the night, but I think there needs to be a separate faux guest bedroom. I am hoping that with all my clothing out of drawers on the frame, it can be used if I come and stay for a few nights or whatever.
I am waiting for the spring/summer. My dad is making himself an office. I am really excited about this because I have a hidden love for building and designing rooms/houses. So this will be a fun and exciting adventure for the two of us because we are best when we bounce the ideas off each other and we work well together. I am thinking of getting some things framed for the decorations in his office. I am thinking maybe a small shadowbox with things from his time in the Seabees and some photos from Dubuque. I think it will be a nice little place for him to relax and to do his work.
I was thinking about something while I was at work. I was thinking about my top ten favorite songs and lyrics. I think I will compile this list with some long thought and that will be in an upcoming post.
I would like to take this time to send out my sincerest condolences and sympathies and love to the Havens family. This Christmas, they lost as husband and a father. Colleen, I know you don’t read this, but all of us at Hobby Lobby Polaris are here for you. You are a member of our family and we support you.

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